Phoenix Light Infantry
of the
Ohio National Guard.
     O flag of a nation that stands 
for the right,
    May you never be sullied with 
inglorious might.
     In past battles you've lead 
with never defeat,
     And again unfurled, may 
you know no retreat.

David M. Rowe "Our Battleflag" 
1st paragraph. copyright 1917.
Private through 1st Lieutenant David MacClement Rowe.  Proud member of the Phoenix Light Infantry.
According to The Officers Roster of the Ohio National Guard corrected to July 15, 1896, I believe the above men to be, starting on the left: 2nd Lieut. W.W. White, Captain J.A. Miller, and 1st Lieut. D.M. Rowe. I am positive about D.M. Rowe, but would appreciate verification on the other two gentlemen.
These two photographs are backmarked "J.W. Gribble Photographer.  Bridgeport, Ohio."  These are from the company's time during the Wheeling Creek Coal Riots, June 1894.  Lieut. Rowe wrote on June 15, 1894  "Yesterday we were ordered to scour one of the hills,...  We had the picture of the company taken just before we went up."

Two letters from D.M. to his wife Anna from Wheeling Creek, June 1894.
The backmark on these two photographs is Schweig & Cohl Photographers 1715 & 1717 Franklin ave.  St. Louis, MO.  Among these photographs was a program  for the Grand Interstate Competitive Drill by the National Guard of the United States at the Fairgrounds St.Louis July 1-7, 1895.  In the left photograph D.M. Rowe is the gentleman with his arms folded.  In the right photograph he is the officer in front of the troops on the left, as you face the picture.
This page was copyrighted on: September 21, 2004
The New York Times article was added April 28, 2009.
Everything here is in possession of Linda Trent, researcher and owner of this page.
Linda Trent 
All rights reserved.

The New York Times.
Published July 2, 1895

Big Military Camp in St. Louis.

Companies from Western Cities are to Drill for Prizes.

St. Louis, July 1. -- A big military camp of infantry and cavalry companies from East, South, and West is in the city tonight.  Camp Hancock, as the fair grounds encampment is christened, was a cheerless place in last night's rain, but with the first notes of the reveille this morning, and the boom of the sunrise gun, the clouds fled, and a perfect midsummer day followed.  Companies and detachments have been arriving for two days, and the 600 tents will be filled by to-morrow morning.  Major A.S.B. Keyes of the Third Cavalry U.S.A. is in command.

Following are the companies in camp: Company B, Third Cavalry, United States Army, Capt. Chase; Company K, Third Cavalry, United States Army, Capt. Hunter; Phoenix Light Infantry, Phoenix, Ohio, Capt. J.A. Miller; Branch Guard, Capt. C.A. Sinclair; Bullene Guards, Kansas City, Capt. Cewager; Belknap Rifles, San Antonio, Tex., Capt. R.B. Green; Company F. First Infantry, Missouri National Guards, St. Louis, Capt. F.V. Walsh; National Rifles, Washington D.C., First Lieut. J. O. Manson; Chicago Zouaves, Capt. T.J. Ford; Walsh Zouaves, Memphis, Tenn., Capt. F.K. Deffry; Fletcher Zouaves, Little Rock, Ark., Capt. J.A. Mitchell; Hale Zouaves, Kansas City, Mo., Capt. Lechtman; Aurora Zouaves, Aurora, Ill., Capt. A.H. Tarble; Indianapolis Light Artillery, Indianapolis, capt. James B. Curtis; Battery A, Missouri National Guards, St. Louis, Capt. F.M. Rumbold; Rockville Light Artillery, Rockville, Ind., Capt. F.E. Stevenson; Dallas Artillery, Dallas, Texas, First Lieut. F.V. Blythe. 

After roll call this morning each troop was inspected by Commandant Keyes.  Guard mount followed and the strict rules of military life were set in motion.  The whole command marched through the principal down-town streets in the afternoon.  Competitive drilling will begin to-morrow.  Thousands of visitors are here.
3rd Regiment